David Strickland

Starting in 1967 I lived in Cruz Bay (chartering "Souris"
with my wife), then we went to Little Dix, Virgin Gorda, then St
Thomas, first renting an apartment up the hill at Red Hook next door
to Neil Lewis -- last heard of plying the French canals. Then
various other places.

Managed to avoid the hurricanes (moved to Florida in the late 80s)
and was in the area on my boat in the mid-80s.

The Cruz Bay days are long gone, but I hope some of the denizens
still linger above ground. I worked for Gil Congdon (he's dead) and
Henry Mongie at Trade Wind Charters and remember the town's quiet
period, as it was then, enjoying cocktails at Gallows Point, then
owned by Richard "Duke" Ellington. Other names: John and Jean Mason
on "Sixpence"; Kees de Graaf (?sp).

I saw Billy Walker's name here on the blog (worked with him at Antilles Yachting), along with Gumbs and Bill and Sue Beer.

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