Jim Snodgrass on s/v "Bronwyn"

(No, that's not 'Bronwyn' that Jim is on in this recent photo provided by JMR)


Anonymous said...

Jim is alive and well in Sarasota...jassurfer@hotmail.com is his email address if any old buddies want to contact him

Anonymous said...

Bronwyn was last seen somewhere in Costa Rica.....

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember Vicky Olsen,Jim's first mate for a while on Bronwyn?

Mike Wold said...

Bronwyn was lost in Golfito, Costa Rica in 2000.

Yes, those were the days in Redhook and Horsefeathers.

Looking for a new boat now......

Mike Wold

Bronwyn Snodgrass said...

well ya i know this is really random but im jims granddaughter and just thought i should say yaaa i was named after the boat Bronwyn... im really sad wat happened to it :/